최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본어 동사의 사역 성립에 관한 연구

A Study on Causative Formations with Verbs in Japanese

  • 12

Dictionary of the Usages of Basic Verbs in Japanese includes 51 verbs which cannot be causativized. We collected data where these verbs form causatives through BCCWJ and Yahoo! Japan, and this paper discusses them, especially the meanings of causative. The set of the aforementioned verbs includes honorific verbs, change-ofstate/ property verbs, highly stative verbs, directional verbs, and so on. Among these verbs, we found four intransitive verbs which lack the transitive counterparts, six transitive verbs which lack the intransitive counterparts, and ten intransitive verbs which exhibit the corresponding transitive verbs. Among the verbs susceptible to causativization, we found three transitive verbs without the intransitive counterparts, 11 intransitive verbs without the transitive counterparts, and 17 intransitive verbs with the transitive counterparts. In these verbs, the agentivity of the causee NP is weak, and these causativized verbs tend to function as transitive verbs with the causee NP being o-marked (rather than ni- marked). Theoretically speaking, in the cases where intransitive verbs do not have transitive counterparts, the causative forms are used as their transitive counterparts. We may then expect that intransitive verbs without the transitive counterparts are more susceptible to causativization than the intransitive verbs with the transitive counterparts. Our survey, however, reveals that out of 31 verbs which cannot be causativized, the number of intransitive verbs with the transitive verbs (17) outstrips that of intransitive verbs without the transitive verbs (11).

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 연구 목적 및 방법

4. 사역 성립의 분석

5. 결론

