최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중・장년층의 노후준비에 관한 인식 연구

Study of the Recognition about the Preparation for Aging of the Middle-aged People

  • 149

This Study has surveyed the consciousness of the aged people about how they prepare for their future as they are experiencing the aging. This Study has resulted by the variables which are ‘The recognition of the aging’, ‘The health promoting behaviour’ and ‘Preparation for aging’. If we look closer to the results, Firstly, ‘The recognition of the aging’ is affected the most by the ‘Self efficacy’. ‘The health promoting behaviour’ is affected by the ‘Self-realization’. ‘Preparation for aging’ is affected by ‘Preparing Free time’. Secondly, In the connection between ‘The recognition of Successful Aging’ and ‘Health promoting behaviour’, ‘Self-realization’ is affected the most by the ‘Self-efficacy’ and ‘the psycho-social stability’. Thirdly, In the connection between ‘The health promoting behaviour’ and ‘The preparation of aging’, ‘Physical activity’ affects ‘the preparation of aging’ and ‘the physical preparation’. In the range of ‘Self realization’, It gets affected the most by ‘the emotional preparation’ and ‘the free-time preparation’. Fourthly, In the relationship between ‘the recognition of successful aging’ and ‘preparation of aging’, In fact, ‘the recognition of successful aging’ does not affect the variable which is ‘preparation of aging’. Lastly, It has turned out that the variables which are Economical preparation, physical preparation, free-time preparation and emotional preparation are all perfectly mediated by ‘The stability of the psycho-social’ through ‘Self realization’. Moreover, Economical preparation, physical preparation, free-time preparation are all perfectly mediated by the variable which is Self efficacy through the ‘Self realization’. But, for the variable ‘Emotional preparation’, it is only partially mediated by self efficacy. However, Physical activities are not mediating anything at all. Regarding to this survey, I suggest the following policies in the range of pension and health. First, various Policies such as ‘extension of the retirement age’, ‘encouraging more jobs’ and ‘improving polices in regard of pension’ should be provided. Especially, not only ‘the extension of the management and insurances in public pension, But also the way to promoting people for joining the private pension should be accelerated in political way. Second, for the purpose of promoting the health education program, trail, bike way, park, and installing public gym should be supported in national dimension so people can easily use these stuffs.

I. 서 론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 실증 분석 결과

Ⅴ. 결 론
