Sustainability management and Corporate social responsibility are accepted as appropriateness and inevitable issue. But, the Korea s Sustainability management and Social responsibility is mainly led by large enterprises. Now a days, Sustainability management and Corporate social responsibility are not a problem of declaratory slogan any more in all organizational management and supervision including not only the private business sector but also public sectors. So This Study aim is finding a way to Strengthening Social Responsibility in Public Sector, specially Public Enterprises. As a result of study, Public Enterprises SR should be strengthened, and the head of each organization should judge the merits and deficiencies of each organization, which after SR examination and evaluation, the following; establishment of strategy, designing of organization. Second, for Public Sector, specially Public Enterprises, the government s role should be strengthened, and a SR model should be made. Third, SR report, annual report, Sustainability management report, and report of management evaluation result are evaluated by expert group or government.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 공공부문의 사회적 책임성
Ⅲ. 사회적 책임 실천 현황 및 평가
Ⅳ. 공공부문의 사회적 책임성 강화 방향
Ⅴ. 결 론