최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Development of the Saemaul Undong Movement and Its Impact

  • 19

This paper aims to analyse the development of the Saemaul Undong Movement from its inception to today, to evaluate it objectively, and to suggest some policy implications applying now and in the future for both developed and less developed countries. It is concluded that Saemaul Undong is a national policy asset which should be theorisd by model building, and which can be transplanted in other countries. To achieve this, we need to refine the principles and strategies underpinning the Saemaul Undong Movement in a more theoretical way, and also construct manuals for other countries, by using which they can employ these easily and simply. In providing ODA to less developed countries, Korea needs to transplant the principles and strategies underlying the Saemaul Undong Movement as a means of implementing individual projects in other countries.

I . Introduction

II. Theoretical Discussions of the Samaul Undong Movement and Analytical Framework

III. Development of the Saemaul Undong Movement

IV. Evaluation
