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KCI등재후보 학술저널

칼빈과 우리의 성경본문 차이에 대한 소고

A Study on the Difference between Calvin s Bible and Our Bible

  • 27

This study examines “The Parable of the Two Sons” in Matthew 21:28-31 and the three verses that quote Habakkuk 2:4 to see if there is any difference between Calvin s Bible and recent Korean reformed theologians Bible. Afterwards, the author deals with Calvin s attitude on Hebrew and Greek Old Testament. First of all, Calvin exegetes “The Parable of the Two Sons” with the text that expresses the first son as the obedient one. By the way, the text of this parable changed by the contribution of Westcott, Hort, and Nestle. Between 1881 (WH) and 1966 (UBS1), the text that expresses the second son as the obedient one had been thought of as more original in Greek New Testament critical texts. Afterwards, Aland and Metzger succeeded in making the first son as the obedient one again. This textual history has affected the Korean Biblical texts, too. Nevertheless, most of Korean reformed theologians still have the text that connects the second son with the obedient one. So, they have a perspective on The Parable of the Two Sons different from Calvin s. Secondly, this study shows that two quotations of Habakkuk 2:4 in the New Testament are different between Calvin’s Bible and the Korean Bie. In Romans 1:17, Calvin has the reading of “by his belief” but the Korean Bible that of “by faith.” In Hebrews 10:38, Calvin has the reading of “righteous one” but the Korean Bible that of “my righteous one.” The quotation in Galatians 3:11 in Calvin s text is the same as that in the Korean Bible. Thirdly, Calvin basically prefers the Greek Old Testament to the Hebrew Old Testament, but the opposite is often true. Further, his preference for the Greek text of the Old Testament seems to influence on his attitude to the Old Testament Apocrypha. In conclusion, this study suggests that a synthetic and fundamental examination on Calvin s Bible should be done.

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