최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

≪조선어학전서≫ 속의 김일성-김정일 어록 연구

  • 88

Choi, Seong-gyu. 2018. “The Quotation of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in Collected Writings of Korean Linguistics [Chosŏnŏhak Jŏnsŏ / Joseoneohak Jeonseo]”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(4). 147~178. This article treats the quotation of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in Collected Writings of Korean Linguistics [ Chosŏnŏhak Jŏnsŏ / Joseoneohak Jeonseo ]. The citation of a political leader in a scholarly paper shows the powerful interference of political ideology on academic research. However, it is possible for scholars to judge what quotation they collect. Therefore, the influence of political ideology on the North Korean language academia can be measured by the status that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il s quotations are used. Political ideological colors are most evident in communism and class-struggle quotations. However, in some quotations, radical phrases are omitted. There are many quotations about nationalism in Chosŏnŏhak Jŏnsŏ . Quite a few of them have some similarities to the discussion in South Korean academic circles. However, sometimes it is possible to conflict with the North academic circles, because a strong nationalism tendency is avoided in the South academic circles. In the quotations about language policy, it was noticeable that the contents were different from each other. The northern scholar usually coped with avoiding or ignoring such conflicts because it is difficult to dare criticize any one quotation. In addition, I have looked at quotations that are close to common sense. The reason why those quotations exist in the scholarship can be seen as the fact that the quotation is just a perfunctory expression. And that nearly half of the quotations are extracted from just four kinds of source articles.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 분석 대상과 기본 통계

3. 공산주의, 계급투쟁

4. 민족주의, 항일투쟁

5. 언어 정책

6. 일반론

7. 맺는 말
