Objectives: Based on the results of a chemical substance emissions survey, we investigated characteristics of chemical emissions in industrial complexes and used them as basic data for chemical management. Methods: The emissions and characteristics of chemicals by major industrial complexes from 2011 to 2015 were analyzed using the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register homepage. To understand the status of chemical accidents for major chemicals emitted from the industrial complexes, the Chemistry Safety Clearing-house system of the National Institute of Chemical Safety was used. Results: Emissions from the top five industrial complexes accounted for about 30% of total chemical emissions. The chemical emission was the highest in the order of Ulsan Mipo Industrial Complex and Okpo Industrial Complex. The main chemicals emitted were xylene, ethylbenzene, ethyl acetate, toluene, dichloromethane, and others. Carcinogen emissions differed by industrial complex, but ethylbenzene and dichloromethane were the major chemicals for this type of emissions. Conclusion: Recently, the use and emission of chemicals have been continuously increasing. A chemical management plan should be prepared considering the characteristics of industrial complexes and chemical substance emissions.
I. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론