A Study on Nursing College Students’ Knowledge, Attitude, Confidence in Performance and Practice on Patient SAFETY Management in KOREA
- International Journal of Crisis & Safety
- vol.3 no.4
- : KCI등재후보
- 2018.12
- 18 - 26 (9 pages)
This study was a descriptive study conducted to investigate nursing college students’ degree of patient safety management during their clinical training. This study aimed to provide a baseline data for developing systematic nursing educational curriculum for the enhancement of competence in nursing college students’ fundamental patient safety nursing intervention. The participants consisted of 372 senior nursing college students who have had clinical practice at a nursing college in Gwangju metropolitan city. The data was collected from December 4th to 28th in 2017 at the end-point of their clinical training education in nursing college, and convenience sampling was the method of inves-tigation for this research. For the assessment of patient safety management knowledge(PSM-K), instrument modified by Choi & Lee(2015) from Park & Park(2014) was used. The instrument for patient safety management attitude(PSM-A) assessment was by Chenot & Daniel(2007), for confidence in performance of patient safety man-agement(PSM-CP) by Park(2011), and for patient safety management practice(PSM-P) by Yoo & Lee(2014). The collected data was analyzed with SPSS 19.0 using descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé test. The results of this study indicated that the ratio of correct answers of PSM-K was 70.7%, PSM-A was 3.85, PSM-CP was 3.99, and PSM-P was 4.24 out of 5 points. And also in terms of the correlations between PSM-K, PSM-A, PSM-CP, and PSM-P, significant positive correlations existed between PSM-K and PSM-A(r=.28, p<.001), PSM-CP and PSM-K(r=.19, p<.001), PSM-CP and PSM-A(r=.48, p<.001), PSM-P and PSM-A(r=.37, p<.001), and PSM-CP and PSM-P(r=.37, p<.001). Therefore, in order to enhance nursing college students’ competence in patient safety nursing intervention, nursing college students must experience various exercises and training for patient safety management during the clinical practicum as well as with scenario-based simulation. And nursing education facilities should develop educational contents about patient safety for nursing college students.
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. References