최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Quality INVESTIGATION of Rice Noodles Safe from Gluten

  • 12

Purpose; To prepare gluten free noodles, tapioca starch added to dry rice flour to prepare noodles, and color, texture and sensory evaluation were performed to determine the optimum amount of starch added. As a result of measuring the color value of rice noodle, TS10(10% of tapioca starch, 90% of dry rice flour) was the most similar in lightness. As a result of texture measurement of rice noodles, the hardness of rice noodle added with tapioca starch increased with the addition of starch, and the chewiness and cohesiveness were significantly higher than that of rice noodles. The addition of 5% and 10% of tapioca starch added to dry rice flour showed similar results to that of commercially available rice flour noodles. Therefore, the amount of starch added to dry rice flour is thought to be 5% and 10% of tapioca starch.


1. Introduction

2. Experimental Methods

3. Results and Discussion

4. Summary and Conclusion

5. References
