최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Review of Legislations on Location Tracking Investigation on TERRORISM

  • 9

The reason why intelligence agencies investigating the crimes that threaten national security, such as terror-ism today, uses location tracking in its investigation is that it is the most effective way to investigate individuals, who were at the scene of crime, to identify suspects. In this case, the intelligence agency and the investigation agency will acquire the number of all mobile phones through the base station that is responsible for the area in question, and if there exist a certain phone number and a number of call records already known by the intelli-gence agency and investigation agency, information of a specific person to be responsible for the crime-related behavior, then the scope of investigation is limited to the telephone numbers of persons who have shown com-munication or conduct related to crime such as communication information that has been confirmed to stay in a nearby area for a long time or that they have also contacted other base stations related to the crime. However, location tracking using a base station will also get a minimum amount of calls for people who are not related to the crime. In some cases, the information that communicates with a particular base station is equivalent to the information that the communication was present near the base station. Therefore, even if the accuracy of the location information is low as long as the location information is obtained through base station investigation, the location information through base station investigation is strong. For these reasons, it is argued that it should be protected and should not be included in the communication confirmation data. Finally, if not included in the data confirming the communication, the protection of the level of the search warrants should be maintained, and related legislation on crimes that threaten national security, such as terror-ism, should be closely discussed and examined.


1. Introduction

2. Necessity and Issues of Location Tracking Investigation

3. Comparative Law Review

4. Implications

5. Conclusions

6. References
