최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Introduction of Asia Dialogue on TERROIST Use of the ICT

  • 14

Technology in the digital age has become a new battleground for countering terrorism. The Internet has no time and space constraints, and it has established a cyber space that allows free expression of opinion, exchange of thoughts, rapid speed of sharing information, and building friendship with individuals from all walks of life and the place. This feature is why terrorist organizations use the Internet to achieve their goals and spread their propaganda. For this reason, the Internet has become an effective means of communication to maintain the terror network, and the spread of social media has led to the expansion of cyberspace and the multichannels of interactive communication. As a result, security threats such as the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes has also emerged. In this article, it aims to introduce how the international community has respond to the emerging threat focusing on the terrorist use of the ICT. In particular, it aims to illustrate and discuss Asia’s effort to counter terrorist use of the ICT. The international community including the United Nations is responding to security threats such as the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes by establishing a legal and policy framework, investigating cases of Internet use for terrorism purposes and gathering information, building international cooperation, and building public-private partnership(PPP). With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the scope of its effort has been expanded to the use of Internet and other technologies for terrorism purposes. The new type of security threat is not a single type, but the sum of a small variety of non-state actors who have relatively little influence from the traditional security perspective. In particular, the extreme terrorism based on religion has been pointed out as the most important security threat. The diversification of terrorist organization, which is characterized by new terrorism, and the worldwide spread of fear of terrorism due to informationization, developing active measures for counterterrorism is getting more and more difficult. Terrorist threats that exploit information and communication technologies in the era of globalization are growing and expanding, so a more comprehensive approach to terrorism related to the Internet and information and communications technologies is required.


1. Introduction

2. UN’s Efforts for Countering Terrorist Use of the Internet and ICT

3. Asia Dialogue on Terrorist Use of the ICT

4. Conclusion

5. References
