中国互联网视听节目内容的监管政策浅析 : 以海外视听节目的监管政策为中心
Regulatory policy on Internet audiovisual program content in China : focusing on the regulatory policies for overseas audio-visual programmes
- 한국전자출판학회
- 전자출판연구
- 한국전자출판연구 제11호
- 2018.12
- 18 - 25 (8 pages)
In recent years, China s Internet has developed new patterns, and the new model has been emerging, and the Internet has been growing fast with video, and more and more is being broadcast live, short, video, Internet, and web series, and it s popular with the public. However, because the development time of Internet audio-visual programs is relatively short, the management and regulations of the industry have not yet established a sound system, and the related problems have come upon and affected the continuous healthy development of the whole industry. The surveillance of the Internet is one of the key parts of Internet monitoring, Internet culture management and information security, and it has been the focus of the government. Based on this, this study takes the overseas audio-visual programs broadcast on Internet platforms issued by the government after the reign of Xi jinping as the research object, sorts out the thoughts and specific countermeasures of the government on the online overseas audio-visual program communication supervision in recent years, and analyzes the impact of the government s strengthened control on the Chinese Internet audio-visual program market, especially the change in the number and mode of overseas audio-visual programs broadcast on the entire Internet content industry.
近年来中国的互联网新业态, 新模式层出不穷, 互联网视听节目借助视频网站发展迅猛, 直播、短视频、网综、网剧等网生内容越来越多, 深受广大人民群众的喜爱。但因为互联网视听节目发展时间较短, 行业的管理和规范还未形成一个健全的体制, 相关问题接踵而至, 影响了整个行业的持续健康发展。互联网视听节目的监管作为互联网监管 、互联网文化管理和信息安全的重要组成部分之一, 一直是政府重点关注的领域。2018年9月20日, 中国国家新闻出版广电总局发布了新的《境外人员参加广播电视节目制作管理规定(征求意见稿)》。意见稿中扩大了禁播境外视听节目范围, 并加强了对网络平台的境外视听节目总量加以限制。通过对比2004年发布的《境外电视节目引进、播出管理规定》可知, 意见稿将监管范围扩大为所有境外视听节目, 包括境外电影、动画片、纪录片、教育、科技、文化、综艺、体育等。 习近平主席执政后, 中共中央国务院高度重视三网融合推进工作, 将其纳入国家发展战略, 而网络视听节目传播则是三网融合核心议题的重要组成部分之一, 因此备受关注。政府相关部门数次出台相关政策, 持续加强监管力度。基于此, 本研究以习近平执政后, 政府出台对在互联网平台播出的海外视听节目监管政策为研究对象, 整理近年来政府对线上海外视听说节目传播监管的思路和具体对策, 同时分析随政府管控力度的加强以来, 对中国互联网视听节目市场, 特别是海外视听节目播放数量和方式的改变对整个互联网内容行业及造成的影响。
1. 序论
2. 海外视听节目的监管政策汇总
3. 互联网视听政策的变化对行业的影响
4. 结论