최근 검색어 전체 삭제

바다숲 조성에 따른 서식생물상 변동과 자원 조성 효과

Assessment of Marine Biota and Stock Enhancement in Artificial Seaweed Bed

  • 78

In order to evaluate the effects of artificial seaweed bed on fisheries resources, field investigations were conducted at Geomundo during Fall and Winter, 2015. Populations and food-habits of benthos and marine fishes were used as indices for the development of fisheries resources. As a result, a total of 139 species were found at artificial seaweed bed and based on the standing crop per hectare, benthos was 16.1×10⁶ individuals (3.7 ton), marine fishes was found 663 individuals (169.2 kg) in artificial seaweed bed. The number of species and standing crop in artificial seaweed bed was about 2∼5 times higher than the natural rocks in the nearby, suggesting that diversity and standing crop can be increased according to the formation of the artificial seaweed bed. Along with the establishment of marine ecosystems, follow-up management on artificial seaweed bed and extermination of harmful organisms should be properly implemented in order to sustain remediation of ecosystems and enrichment of fisheries resources. In conclusion, it appears that the establishment of artificial seaweed bed could result in increasing biomass of marine invertebrates and consequently homing marine fishes into seaweed bed.


1. 서론

2. 연구방법

3. 결과

4. 고찰 및 결론

