As an adverb with high frequency of usage, “Jianzhi(简直)” is widely used. However, there are still many problems unsolved in the past. Based on the grammaticalization theory and cognitive theory, this paper dis-cussed the conditions and mechanisms during the grammaticalization process of “Jianzhi”. and clarified the relationships among the meanings of “Jianzhi”. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: Firstly, When “Jianzhi” is located before other adjectives, it obtains the adverb function through reanalysis mechanism, and modifies adjective predicate and verb predicate. Secondly, under the influence of metaphor mechanism, the semantics of “Jianzhi” is mapped from spatial domain to mode domain. And “Jianzhi” derived the meaning of “fearfully”. Thirdly, through conceptual blending process “Jian” and “Zhi” generated the meaning of “completly”.
1. 引言
2. “简直”的句法及语义演变
3. 副词“简直”的虚化机制
1) 重新分析
2) 隐喻
3) 概念整合
4. 结语