최근 검색어 전체 삭제

經濟發展과 工業資源

Economic Development and Industrial Resources

The purpose of this study is to analyze the theoritical aspects of supply and demand for industrial resorces and to find the method for recuring a stable supply of industrial in Korea. In case of Korea the stable condition of supply of industrial raw material has attributed to high rate of economic growth during the period 1962~1972. But the rate of economic growth has been showed between during 1973 and 1983 due to “The 1st and 2nd oil Crisis”. It appears that there is a high correlation between the economic growth and the stable resource supply condition. We can find method of securing resources that can contribute to the maintainence of a stable resource supply condition and in turn to ablibiate the disruptive influence caussed by resource nationalism. The main poit of the mathods may be summarized as follows: ˚To adopt gradually resource development import system ˚To reinforce recources foreign relation ˚To enlarge specialists and techniques for resources ˚restructuringindustring industrial organization and economizing the use of domestic natural resources. ˚development of alternative uses of natural resources. ˚To promote of the import of developed foreign resources by economic cooperation These methods of securing resources as outlined in this study will meet the minimum requirement of stablizing the supply of natural recoures in Korea.

Ⅰ. 머릿말

Ⅱ. 産業의 發展과 工業資源

Ⅲ. 우리나라 主要資源의 需給動向

Ⅳ. 國際資源環境

Ⅴ. 맺는말-資源政策의 方向

