최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

북한의 환경변화와 남북한 주민들의 통일의식간 상관성 연구

A Study on the Relationship between the Changes in North Korea and the Perception on Unification of both North and South Korean People

  • 106

The research question in this paper is about the impact of changes in North Korea under Kim Jong Un on the unification perceptions in both North and South Korea, among their people in particular. Major Changes under Kim Jong Un regime are first of all the reestablishment of the traditional Party-State Political System and the expansion of the market or markets throughout the country. According to some surveys on North Korean people, either North Korean residents or defectors living in South Korea, more North Korean people do not want and expect to achieve unification for its political goals but for economic interests and benefits in the future for their children. On the other hand, in South Korea the majority of the people still agree the unification would the ultimate national goal but their real intention may not represent its facial value. More South Korean people mention the realistic situation when the unifcation between the two different sides be achieved and the economic and social problems like income, welfare benefits, pentions and job and social security be erupted at least. Therefore, the majority of people regardless of their age and income have assumed the unification would be realized only as late as in 20 or 30 years. Therefore, in this paper, I would argue that we need to extend our unification education to give them more accurate information and data for the benefit of the unification and to encourage both people to work together to push their leadership to bring a peaceful unification. Furthermore, it is necessary to encourage the young generation who feel and worry about the situation that North Korea seems to be ahead of the South in the field of National strategy and national will. Without such confidence in our national capability, it would be difficualt to persuade them to be more active and constructive in preparation for and in the pursuit for reconciliation and unification with the North.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 북한 주민들의 통일 의식 변화

Ⅲ. 남한 주민들의 통일의식 변화

Ⅳ. 북한행태변화 예측 지수에 따른 북한변화 가능성

Ⅴ. 남북 주민의 통일에 대한 기대감

Ⅵ. 북한의 환경 변화와 남북한 국력추세 비교

Ⅶ. 결론

