복잡계 이론을 통한 북한의 시장화 가능성 연구
A Research on the Potential of Marketization in North Korea through the Complexity System Theory
- 고려대학교 공공정책연구소
- Journal of North Korea Studies Journal of North Korea Studies
- Vol.4 No.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2018.12
- 211 - 232 (22 pages)
In this year, North Korea showed a great change in attitude. As a result, the international community was very interested in an economic reformation and opening of North Korea. In particular, the most important issue was the possibility of North Korea’s marketization and economic transformation. However, it is difficult to analyze the marketization of North Korea by existing transition theories because it is related to various actors and environment factors. In order to overcome the limitation, this study analyzes the possibility of North Korea’s marketization through complexity theory and suggests implications. To do this, this paper analyzed the cases of transition countries such as Eastern Europe and Vietnam and examined the phenomenon of North Korea’s marketization. This paper ultimately aims at predicting the possibility that the marketization of North Korea will evolve into the process of self organization. Although this paper does not discuss the possibility of the North Korean regime change through numerical values, it regards it as meaningful to presents a complex analysis framework for North Korea’s marketization.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 체제전환 과정으로서의 시장화
Ⅲ. 북한 시장화 연구를 위한 복잡계적 분석틀 정립
Ⅳ. 북한 시장의 형성ㆍ발전 그리고 새로운 체제로의 진화
Ⅴ. 결론