통일대비 교통안전 정책 연구
Traffic Safety Policy for unification
- 고려대학교 공공정책연구소
- Journal of North Korea Studies Journal of North Korea Studies
- Vol.4 No.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2018.12
- 233 - 259 (27 pages)
The purpose of this study is to examine the traffic safety attitude of North Koreans and to explore the traffic safety policy for unification. According to the survey, most North Korean settlers in South Korea are highly sensitive to traffic safety. Nevertheless, North Korean settlers are likely to feel the need for traffic safety education. North Koreans’ perceptions and attitudes toward road traffic safety provide implications for the development of a traffic safety education program in preparation of unification. First, the government need to develop different traffic safety projects depending on the ‘unification preparation period’, ‘unification transition period’, and ‘unification consolidation period’. The unification preparation period should be the stage to develop a comprehensive traffic safety project focusing on human and spatial factors. Unification transition period is the stage to implement various safety education and road traffic design programs built in the unification preparation period. The unification consolidation period is the period of systematizing the traffic safety project. The success of the traffic safety policy for unification should be accompanied with public support at the national level.
Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 이론적 논의: 사회적 안전으로서 교통안전
Ⅲ. 북한주민의 도로교통안전 의식
Ⅳ. 북한이탈주민의 도로교통안전 의식
Ⅴ. 남북한 교통안전 협력활성화 방안
Ⅵ. 결론