중국의 급격한 경제 성장으로 인하여 중국어 전공자들의 주요 취업분야로 중국인들을 대상으로 하는 관광 관련 서비스 업종에서의 인력 수요가 늘어나면서, 학생들의 실제적인 중국어 역량 향상이 중요한 문제로 대두하게 되었다. 이에 따라 전문대학 2년의 짧은 교육시간을 극복하고, 실질적인 의사소통 능력을 배양할 수 있는 방안으로 거꾸로 수업 모형(Flipped Lea rning)을 적용함과 동시에 학생들의 낮은 학습 동기에 대한 방안으로 동기설계 수업 모형(ARCS)을 적용한 F-ARCS 수업모형을 적용하게 되었다. 수업모형을 적용한 결과 거꾸로 학습을 활용하여 실제 수업의 효율성을 극대화할 수 있는 점과 학생들의 주의집중, 자신감, 관련성, 만족감을 고취하여 수업에 대한 동기를 적극적으로 향상시킬 수 있었다.
China s rapid economic growth has increased Chinese visits to Korea. As a result, the demand for human resources for tourism-related services for Chinese people has increased, and the improvement of Chinese language skills has become an important issue. We applied Flipping Learning to students in order to overcome short training time of two years and to develop practical communication skills. In addition, the ARCS model has been applied. As a result of applying the class model, we were able to actively improve the motivation of class by maximizing the efficiency of the actual class using reverse learning and encouraging the student s attention, confidence, relevance and satisfaction. As a result of applying ’F-ARCS Learning Model’, most students improved their grades. Especially, 80-point students increased. Of course, an increase in score does not mean an increase in actual conversation ability. However, I was convinced that it was not difficult for students who had difficulty learning Chinese to speak their own words using Chinese. This is because the ‘F-ARCS Instruction Model’ has helped the learner to improve his/her Chinese language ability. The F-ARCS training model used in this study proved to be effective for language-related education. This model is available in all subjects and will work. ‘Flipped Learning’ can maximize instructional efficiency and ‘ARCS’ can improve student motivation by increasing interest, trust, relevance and satisfaction.
1. 서론
2. 관련 이론 및 수업환경 분석
3. F-ARCS 수업모형 설계와 적용
4. 결론