최근 검색어 전체 삭제

소아 뇌전증 환자에서 발열이 동반된 경련을 하는 것과 저 이온화 마그네슘 혈증과의 관련성

Association of Low Serum Ionized Magnesium Level with Fever-Triggered Seizures in Epileptic Children

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Purpose: Several studies have shown that magnesium plays an important role in modulating N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-related seizures by blocking NMDA ion channel receptors. Clinicians usually measure total serum magnesium levels instead of biologically active ionized magnesium levels. We compared the serum ionized magnesium (iMg2+) level between epileptic children with and without a history of fever-triggered seizure (FTS). Methods: All epileptic children who visited the outpatient clinic or pediatric emergency department at Korea University Guro Hospital between January 2015 and July 2017 were included. Only epileptic children aged 1-8 years who were newly diagnosed within 2 years were included. Results: There were 12 children with FTS and 16 without FTS. Median serum iMg2+ level was 0.93 (0.85-1.14, quartile) mEq/L. Serum iMg2+ level was significantly lower in epileptic children with FTS (0.86 mEq/L) compared to those without FTS (1.10 mEq/L) (P=0.005). No difference was noted in clinical variables between the two groups. Lower serum iMg2+ level significantly increased the risk of having FTS in epileptic children based on multivariable logistic regression analysis (odds ratio [OR]=0.028). Conclusion: Serum iMg2+ level was significantly lower in epileptic children with FTS than in those without FTS. Measurement of biologically active serum iMg2+ level could be considered in epileptic children with recurrent FTS. A large-scale prospective study is warranted.


Materials and Methods


