최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아담스 대통령과 그의 조언자들의 ‘유사전쟁’에 대한 인식

Adams and His Adviser’s Perception of Quasi-War

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This paper treat how the American have a perception on contemporary which went on the political conflict between the Federalist and the Republican on French Revolution. In 1790s, the American recognized that they was divided by internal conflicts and they said these years of disunion. On starting Quasi-war with France in 1798, the protestant minister asserted that American Republic is in crisis and go to disunion. This phenomenon related to the worship for the pre-President Washington who died at December 1799 in Quasi-War Period. The President Adams and his adviser also shared the way to prevent disunion and to pursuit the American unity. In the process of solve the diplomatic problem with French, the President Adams considered that what choice be reduced the foreign influence and because he French has a powerful military power. And he thought that if the America make war with France, the America will be in trouble for American’s interest and security so, the President Adams decided to avoid war with France and push ahead with the negotiation.

I. 들어가며

II. 유사전쟁 시기 미국의 정치적 분열에 대한 당대의 인식

III. 아담스 대통령의 유사전쟁에 대한 인식

IV. 나오며
