최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전시체제기 중층적 결재구조로 본 강제동원

Wartime Forced Mobilization in Colonial Chosun : An Approach Through the Multi-Layered Approval System in Imperial Japan

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2018.35.173
  • 72

This paper is a research study on the forced mobilization of Korean people during the Asia-Pacific War. Its historical meaning is to uncover that Japanese imperial government and the Japanese Governor-General of Korea had enforced the forced mobilization policies with the administration based on the multi-layered approval system. For this study, we used the method of tracking the time series and the sourve from the policy making to the implementation stages on the basis of the positive historical method and the archival priciple of provenance. The Japanese Cabinet tried to dominate generally Japanese mainland and colonies in order to carry out the Asia-Pacific War. Especially in 1941, It not only controlled the mainland and colonies, but also administered the inter-colonies by the unitary administrative processes on the internal and external possessions. To establish a system of total mobilization, it issued a national mobilization law and edicts relevant to administration, personnel, and budget to create a high-level legal administrative system, while the administrative system of lower level was made by the orders and decrees in colonial Chosun, Moreover, the orders enacted only in Chosun were bound to pass through the multi-layered approval system that required re-approvals at the Colonial Affairs-Legal Affairs Bureau of Japanese cabinet after the drafting-deliberation-general approval process of Governor-General. Therefore, it can be seen that Japanese government and the Governor-General of Chosun implemented a policy for the forced mobilization of Korean people with this multi-layered approval system. This research is an attempt to reveal the universal meaning of the problem of wartime forced mobilization and to expand the scope of its research. We hope that this research would be a moment when will open a new chapter of the forced mobilization research going beyond the viewpoint of the national history to the global historical viewpoint.

本稿は、日中戦争·アジア太平洋戦争期に行われた韓国人の強制動員に関する政策研究である。当時の日本政府と朝鮮総督府が重層的な決済構造で構成された行政体系をもって強制動員政策を施行したことを明らかにしたという点で, 研究史的な意義がある。研究方法は歴史学的実証的方法と記録学的出処主義に基づいて、政策の立案から施行段階まで, 時系列的方式と出処を追跡する方式を活用した。 日本内閣はアジア太平洋戦争を遂行するために, 日本本土と植民地を総括的に支配しようとした。特に1941年からは, 日本本土と植民地, 植民地と植民地の間でも‘内·外地’一元的行政的手続きで統制した。総動員システムを構築するために, 日本内閣は国家総動員法律と官制, 人事, 予算関連の勅令を公布し, 上位レベルの法的·行政的システムを作った。植民地朝鮮には, 制令や府令などで, 下位レベルの行政的システムを作った。なお, 朝鮮にのみ実施された制令の場合は, 朝鮮総督府で“草案-審議-総督決裁”を経て, 日本内閣で拓務局の進達ー法務局の起案-内閣の上奏ー昭和天皇の最終決済という手続きを経なければならなかった。したがって, 日本政府と朝鮮総督府はこのような重層的な決裁構造で韓国人を強制動員するための政策を行われたことが分かる。 本研究は, 戦時期における強制動員問題が持つ普遍的意味を示し, 研究の外延を拡張するための一つの試みとして、今後の強制動員研究が一国史的な観点を超え、世界史的な観点からアプローチする契機になることが望ましい。

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 전시체제기 일제 세력권의 통괄 지배

Ⅲ. 총동원의 중층적 결재구조

Ⅳ. 맺음말



