The role and economic value of the port-related industry have been emphasized in various ways, but the importance of the port-related industry(otherwise called as port-root industry), such as the tally business of the port, has not been sufficiently investigated. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the enhancement of the added value of ports in Korea by examining the realities, current situation, and difficulties of the tally business in Busan, which is one of representative port industry in Korea. In order for the tally industry to basically strengthen its bargaining power and increase its competitiveness, it needs stronger economy of scale than anything else. And the most urgent issue is solving the problem of limiting the access of foreign terminal operators to some tally companies. Further, there is virtually no legal ground to use assistant tally examiners in the port. By solving this issue quickly, we must make sure that the problem is handled smoothly in the field. The issue of minimum wage is in fact a difficult problem to solve. As mentioned above, in order to increase bargaining power and strengthen competitiveness, a stronger economy of scale than the present one is needed. It is inevitable for the industry to find a larger, more efficient, and more inter-company cooperation plan in the future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 부산항 검수업의 개관
Ⅲ. 검수업의 문제점
Ⅳ. 검수업의 대응방안
Ⅴ. 결론