최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

사업체의 범죄피해 실태 및 피해취약성 요인

Crime against business in Korea and vulnerability factors

DOI : 10.36220/kjv.2018.26.3.97
  • 20

Since a nationwide criminal victimization survey on households and individuals was conducted in 1994, it has been conducted on a regular basis every two years until now. Unlike individuals and households, businesses that have been subject to criminal victim have not received much attention. However, it is very necessary to identify the current state, structure and related factors of the crime against business. Most crimes against businesses have not been reported, so the level of dark of figure is known to be high. In addition, even if reported, there is no item to check whether a victim of a crime is a business when compiling official criminal statistics, so the official crime statistics do not provide any information on crime against business. However, the foreign Business Crime Survey results consistently show that the crime against businesses is much more serious than that of households and individuals. Finally, the consequences of the crime victim not only directly affect the business, but also can affect the entire economy through the reduction of job opportunities that businesses offer to the community, as well as the cost of the damage transferred to the customer as part of the business cost. Fortunately, the first Businesses Crime Survey were conducted at the Korean Institute of Criminology in 2016. In this paper, I used Businesses Crime Survey data conducted in 2016 to analyze the crime against business through three indicators: prevalence rate, victimization rate and concentration. Also, by comparing these results with the results of crime victimization surveys for households and individuals and the results of foreign Business Crime Surveys, I want to assess the level of crime victimization occurring in Korean businesses. Next, I explore factors that affect a business s crime vulnerability, focusing on theoretical variables(proximity, exposure, target attractiveness, lack of guardian- ship) that are addressed primarily in the Opportunity theory, one of the explanations for crime victimization. To this end, the four variables of opportunity theory were operationally defined in accordance with the context of business crime victimization. Finally, I examine the implications for the development of crime prevention policies and future Business Crime Survey methodologies based on the results of the analysis of crime against businesses.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 배경적 논의

Ⅲ. 자료와 측정

Ⅳ. 사업체의 범죄피해실태

Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점
