최근 검색어 전체 삭제

상표와 서비스표의 저촉에 관한 EU 판결

Trademark Infringement between Trademark and Servicemark in Europe

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의약품에 관한 상표와 의료 분야의 전시회 및 교육훈련과 관련된 서비스 표가 서로 저촉될 수 있는 것인가? 이 문제에 관한 사건으로 의약품을 지정상 품으로 한 상표 “EMCUR”와 서비스표 “EMCURE”의 저촉에 관하여 유럽특허 청(EUIPO) 및 유럽 사법재판소(CJEU: Court of Justice of the European Union) 의최근 판결을 살펴본다.

The Court of Justice of the European Union makes it clear that the use of a medicinal product is not indispensable or important for the provision of a publication service in the pharmaceutical and medical sector. Conversely, the provision of a publication service for the use of a medicinal product is not essential or important. In addition, taking medication does not require participation in health services. Moreover, the goods and services in question also differ in their purpose, since a medicinal product and the treatment of diseases are by no means similar to a service for commercial, advertising and promotional events. However, the court assessed the entries in Class 42 “Pharmaceutical Research” and Class 44 “Medical Services” differently. The applicant argued that it was necessary to carry out pharmaceutical research prior to the market launch of a medicinal product. The court endorsed this view and confirmed a fundamentally close connection between pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical research. Likewise, Class 44 medical services are complementary to Class 5 pharmaceutical products, the European Court ruled.

1. 사건의 개요

2. 유럽 사법재판소(CJEU)의 판결

3. 결 어
