This study examined the application and effectiveness of PBL in college translation classes. At a larse sense, PBL emphasizes learner-oriented classes. It is a way of letting learning be done through the process of solving problems and neglecting professors-centered teaching methods of the past. The application of this cooperative team-based PBL translation class showed various advantages, e.g., improvement of affective factors: The high motivation of the participants, a good stimulus to all. More interestingly, participants had the opportunity to reconsider the translation as a secondary communication, by proving the possibility of translating various spectra. Now, as time rolls on, social demands are constantly happening to meet the new teaching and learning requirements. In line with this educational phenomena, college translation classes with PBL can be an alternative to a new way of teaching and learning.
I. Introduction
II. Method and Procedure
III. Data Analysis
VI. Results
V. Conclusion