최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한불문학번역에서의 이탤릭체 사용

The use of italics in French translation of Korean literary works

  • 19

Although the translators often use italics when they translate the Korean literary works into French, there seems to be no strict rules about it, because the italics is rarely used in the Korean literature. The purpose of the present study is to analyze why the translators use the italic letters which do not appear in the original Korean literary works. For this study, we searched 42 Korean literary works translated into French and found 371 examples of italic recourse. The translators used italics to indicate the foreign words, quotations, monologues, titles of the works, proper nouns, words to emphasize, etc., with the most common use for displaying the foreign words. The terms that expressed the Korean culture were typically borrowed from Korean pronunciation and written in italics to indicate that they were foreign words. In conclusion, although there are no rules on the use of italics in Korean, the translators seem to use italics most commonly to help readers understand the Korean culture when they translate the Korean literary works into French.

I. 서론

II. 이탤릭체의 기능별 분류

III. 결론

