This paper aims to examine some causes of translation errors and translator’s creativity by analyzing cases of mistranslation from the perspective of Even-Zohar (1990)’s polysystem. Some mistranslations are caused by the obvious mistakes, but many others which seem to be mistranslation can be subsumed either by the institution, repertoire, and marketing strategy within the polysystm or by differences in languages. As for the linguistic gap, translators’ creativity is definitely required to overcome differences and fill the gap between two languages and their culture. Translator’s creativity - the power to use imagination and flexibility of linguistic and cultural competence beyond a faithful rendering of the original text - is desperately needed in the 21st century AI translation. In the same context, this paper implies that the translation pedagogy should incorporate creativity into the curriculum not to mention of translation competence for the would-be translators, which might be a way to prepare for the next generation translation, the machine translation.
I. 서론
II. 문학과 번역문학
III. 번역오류의 유형분류
IV. 번역가의 창의적 개입과 번역결과물
V. 번역교육에의 함의성
VI. 결론