최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

저자권(authorship)과 역자권(translatorship): 저작권(copyright)을 중심으로

Authorship and Translatorship: Focusing on the Perspective of Copyright

  • 77

The notion of authorship and translatorship are mainly discussed in relation to copyright , reviewing the discriminative status of author and translator as well as that of source and target text in Translation Studies, copyright laws and regulations. And the writer suggests the terminology translatoreship be commonly used as an alternative choice to raise the awareness of the rights of translator and to guarantee the translator s copyright explicitly corresponding to author s decent ownership of his or her work(s), authorship . And the writer also attempts to make a consolidated establishment of an official Korean correspondence for translatorship in Translation Studies. These discussions are expected to provide an opportunity to guarantee translatorship in the context of copyright and authorship the institutional system as well.

I. 서론

II. 저자와 번역자의 위상

III. 결론

