The aim of this study is to discuss the government-led diaspora of Korean nurses to West Germany during the 1960-70s when Korea was just emerging from the ashes of the Korean war. A total of 11,057 nurses were exported to West Germany according to the bilateral agreement between two nations, an agreement touted as mutually beneficial in that it brings in much needed foreign currency to a newly developing nation, Korea and help relieve worker shortage in a wealthy nation, West Germany. These Korean nurses were praised at home as “the pillars of modernizing our homeland”, but the reality they faced in the wealthy nation was harsh. Against this backdrop, this study regards Korean nurses as travelers to a foreign country living a contact zone (Pratt 1992). It is true that many of them later decided not to return to their homeland, voluntarily turning themselves into immigrants and finally citizens of West Germany. The current study analyzed the memoirs of the Korean nurses on one hand and compared them with the news articles produced by the media of West Germany.
Ⅰ. 서론
II. 기존연구
III. 여행하는 사람의 시선에서 본 여행되는 사람
IV. 여행되는 사람의 시선에서 본 여행하는 사람
IV. 결론