최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

목포 해역의 단면통과 유량 산정을 위한 수치모의 연구

A Numerical Simulation for the Estimation of Cross-sectional Flow Rate in Mokpo Coast

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2019.6.1.19
  • 17

In this study, a numerical simulation model was established in order to estimate quantitatively the hydrodynamic characteristics of Mokpo coast. Using the EFDC model, the hydrodynamic numerical model was set up and verified by comparing with the tidal amplitude and current data measured at the Mokpo coast. In order to check whether the flow rate in a cross-section of the channel is simulated accurately by the verified model, water level, water velocity and cross-sectional flow rate was calculated and compared with in-situ data measured at 6 sections divided equally across the channel. The flow rates calculated at each cross sections are shown to be quite different quantitatively with the in-situ values, which means that the hydrodynamic characteristic parameters such as cross-sectional flow rate and tidal prism may be simulated incorrectly even though the tidal motions are simulated very well quantitatively and qualitatively. In consequence, it implies that the model verification on the characteristic parameters such as cross-sectional flow rate and tidal prism should be performed by comparing with the in-situ data, in addition to its verification on tidal amplitude and current at some specific locations.

1. 서 론

2. 수치모형의 수립

3. 수치모형의 결과해석

4. 결 론
