최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

화학공학분야 교육비전 수립 연구

A Proposal for the Education Vision for Chemical Engineering Field

  • 62

The purpose of this study is to establish and propose educational vision of chemical engineering field in order to search for academic identity and future education direction in chemical engineering field. In order to achieve this research purpose, we investigate the literature and data on the vision, educational goals, and curriculum of the department of chemical engineering in domestic and foreign universities. We also analyze the SWOT of internal and external environmental factors respectively. The validity of the proposal was verified through delphi survey with delphi panels and the vision was developed by revising and improving upon the opinions of professionals. The vision is comprised of the value and mission of learning, the educational purpose, and the educational goal. The first stage is value and mission of chemical engineering. The educational purposes and the educational goals are divided into ‘Department of Chemical Engineering’ and ‘Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering’. The application of the educational vision of chemical engineering field is as follows. First, we expect that the vision to be a valuable, philosophical, and theoretical basis for establishing educational objectives and goals in the field of chemical engineering. Hopefully, it will be used as a general education goal for the top-level education. Second, we hope that the vision will be used to develop customized vision, customized educational purpose, and educational goals that reflect the characteristics of region, departments, graduates, and educational needs in the field of chemical engineering. Finally, we hope that these results will be the starting point to discuss the educational vision in the department of chemical engineering.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 연구 결과

Ⅳ. 결 론
