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KCI등재 학술저널

수에토니우스의 전기와 로마의 어머니 상

The Great Mother of Romans in Suetonius’ Biography

  • 66

아티아는 아들의 업무에 관여하지 않은 착하고 과묵한 어머니를 설명하기 위한 본보기로서 역할을 했다. 반면, 리비아와 소 아그리피나는 다른 사람들을 희생시켜 아들을 황제로 즉위시켰으며 이후 황제의 업무에 간섭하는 사악한 어머니를 상징했다. 아우구스투스는 신성한 찬사를 받아 왔는데 이는 어머니인 아티아의 기본적인 관심이 황제의 위엄을 향상시켜 주었다. 이와는 반대로 티베리우스와 네로는 권력기반을 그들의 어머니의 교묘한 책략에 의존했는데 이러한 관여는 아들들의 황제권위를 침해했다. 또한 수에토니우스는 황제들의 야만성을 강조하기 위해서 어머니들이 취한 티베리우스와 네로의 학대를 활용했다. 그런데 티베리우스와 네로가 그들에게 권력을 안겨다 준 어머니에 대해 맹렬히 비난한 것은 아이러니하다. 결국, 어머니의 지나친 간섭은 정권을 장악한 황제의 학대로 이어졌다. 이러한 결과들은 오늘을 살아가는 현대인에게 많은 교훈과 시사점을 던져주고 있다.

Suetonius described lengthy on the `Bad Mother`, such as Livia and Aggripina Minor, in 『Vitae Caesaris』, while he was silent about `Good Mother`, such as Aurelia, Atia, Aggripina Major. In other words, Suetonius described in a positive light about Aurelia, Atia, and Agripina Major who are devoted to the education and safety of their son and in a negative light about Livia and Aggripina Minor who like to interfere. Thus, the short description of emperor’s mother in 『Vitae Caesaris』 can understand as a sign that she is doing her job well rather than grasp her as an unimportant person. The disappearance of the mother`s article after the description of the family in 『Vitae Caesaris』 implies that Suetonius regarded the imperial women as an important figure in the lineage that they delivered to their sons. Of the mothers, Livia and Aggripina Minor were most lengthily described in 『Vitae Caesaris. They were also described as the two mothers who interfered most in the work of their sons. The greater interest that Suetonius gave to these mothers coincided with the increasing political participation of women. This is the emperors were dominated by the `bad mother`. As a result, 『Vitae Caesaris』 did not have a visible and positive model to represent maternity in the same way as role-modeling Augustus into an ideal emperor. So Suetonius did not outstand `Good Mother` in 『Vitae Caesaris』, and described lengthy about `Bad Mother`. In general, Suetonius` 『Vitae Caesaris』described a mother who interacts with his sons only in the birth and the adulthood. Therefore, Atia acted as an example to explain a good and silent mother who was not involved in her son`s work. On the other hand, Livia and Aggripina Minor crowned their sons with an emperor at the expense of others and later symbolized an evil mother who interfered with the emperor`s work. According to Suetonius` estimate, Augustus was received a divine praise, which was the basic interest of his mother, Atia, who improved the majesty of emperor. On the contrary, Tiberius and Nero relied on their mother`s cunning strategy for power base, and this involvement infringed the emperor`s authority of their sons. In order to emphasize the brutality of emperors, Suetonius also used the abuse of Tiberius and Nero whom mothers had taken. It is ironic, however, that Tiberius and Nero fiercely condemned their mothers who given them power. In the end, the excessive intervention of mother led to the abuse of the emperor who took control of the regime. These results give many lessons and suggestions to modern people living today.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 좋은 어머니상: 아티아(Atia)

Ⅲ. 나쁜 어머니상: 리비아와 소 아그리피나

Ⅳ. 결론
