This paper intends to defend the uniqueness of Jesus Christ & his salvation, confronting the religious pluralism and the thought of religious syncretism ruling this day. Religious pluralism has problems as follows: 1) the religious transcendent is different than Christian God. 2) the religious transcendent is the philosophically presupposed abstract being. 3) the salvation each religion has sought for is not the same but different. 4) the spirituality of religious pluralism is not the Christian but pluralistic one. The WCC s Baar Statement: Theological Perspectives on Plurality on January 15, 1990 has opened doors for religious pluralism. The uniqueness of Jesus Christ has threefold uniqueness; firstly in terms of his person, secondly, his works, thirdly, the relationship of Him to His believers. 1) the uniqueness of person is such that He was the one in whom the eternal Son of God incarnated, the one who is the third person, the true God and the true man. 2) the uniqueness of Work of Christ is that He is the mediator between God and human. 3) the uniqueness of relationship of Christ to his believers is that He is the savior always being with them in the their life and works. The threefold controversy in terms of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ is 1) the exclusivistic denial: unconditional rejection 2) the pluralist relativism: relativization of uniqueness. 3) the syncretistic eclipse: religious mixture and liberal inclucivism. The alternative for the pluralism and syncretism is theology of solus Christus.
I. 머리말
II. 오늘날 종교다원주의의 도전
III. WCC 바아르 선언의 종교다원주의 입장
IV. 종교혼합주의의 도전
V. 1991년 WCC 캔버라대회의 종교 혼합주의
VI. 예수 그리스도의 유일성
VII. 종교다원주의 및 혼합주의에 대한 대안으로서 “오직 그리스도”(solus Christus)신학
VIII. 맺음말