최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본근대 소설가의 희곡 창작* 1) - 다니자키 준이치로와 미시마 유키오의 희곡 창작에 대한 비교연구를 중심으로 -

A Study on Japanese Dramatic Literature Written by Novelists - Focusing on Tanizaki Junichiro’s Dramas and Mishima Yukio’s Dramas -

  • 68

明治、大正、昭和期における小説家の戯曲創作の様相は、日本近代創作 劇の特徴的な一面である。本論文では、日本の近、現代を代表する小説家 として知られてきた谷崎潤一郎と三島由紀夫の劇作家としての姿に注目し て谷崎と三島の戯曲創作の背景を探り、日本近代創作劇を小説家の戯曲創 作の流れの中で把握してみた。 その結果、谷崎の戯曲創作が大正期前後の‘読む戯曲’いわゆるレーゼド ラマの拡散を主導し、近代初期に展開された小説家の文学的な性向の劇作 活動を反映していることが分かるようになった。一方、‘対話の戯曲’を標 榜した三島は、登場人物の交わす会話の緊張感を媒介として演劇の美を確 立し、実際の上演を前提とした戯曲の時代を展開している。 つまり、谷崎と三島は戯曲創作の方法においてお互いに相反しといるも のの、戯曲という表出様式を以て、各時期の近代創作劇の成立と発展に寄 与していたと言える。本論文では谷崎と三島の劇作家としての力量を再評 価した上で、文壇との疎通の中で発展してきた日本劇文学の一面を再照明 してみたのである。

The purpose of this study is to examine Shingeki drama creation characteristics of Tanizaki Junichiiro and Mishima Yukio, and to examine the aspect and importance of Japanese Shingeki Drama from the point of view of drama creation by novelists. The results of the study are as follows. Tanizaki led the era of the Taisho drama by releasing the drama ‘Lesedrama’, and Mishima had a great influence on dramaturgy since the 1950s as a ‘drama of dialogue’ in which the drama was centered around dialogues between characters. In other words, Tanizaki focused on the drama as literature, and Mishima focused on the composition of the drama considering stage performance. The two writers expressed opposing views of the drama, but it is understood that they attempted to express literary expression in the form of literature other than novel. Although Tanizaki and Mishima created plays at different times, the plays of the two novelists in common show the Japanese dramatic literature patterns that have developed in communication with the literary world.

1. 머리말

2. 일본근대 소설가의 희곡 창작의 양상

3. 다니자키 준이치로와 미시마 유키오의 희곡 창작

4. 문장의 희곡과 대화의 희곡

5. 맺음말
