최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한․일 문학에 나타난 이상향(理想郷) 의식 연구* 1) - 청학동과 가쿠레자토(隠れ里)를 중심으로 -

Study on the Consciousness of Utopia Underlying Korean and Japanese Literatures - Focusing on Cheonghakdong and Gakurezato -

  • 40

本稿では、韓日文学に形象化されている理想郷の青鶴洞と隠れ里の類似 性を探り、その上で、その理想社会に投影されているユートピア的意識を それらが構想された時代の社会変動に依拠して比較してみた。 その結果、青鶴洞と隠れ里は、共に現実世界から隔離されている山中に 世を避ける人々が構築した、理想的な社会の姿に現れていることがわか る。この両国の理想郷は比較的小規模の村落となっており、経済面では、 一部を除いて基本的に農業を中心に自給自足する共同体である。そこでは 貴賎上下の差別を否定し、税金搾取と戦争の苦痛も排除し、共同労働と公 平分配を志向している。このような自然状態という楽土が朝鮮時代後期と 江戸時代の記録によく現れているが、その当時両国の政治形態においては 王権体制と幕藩体制という違いを見せるものの、共に近世の社会制度の矛 盾が次第に表出し、地主の成長と貨幣経済の発達による搾取と富の不平等 な分配が拡大․深刻化し、それに伴って自給自足的な経済秩序が崩壊され つつあった。このような類似した社会変動の中で被支配層の不満と挫折と の反動で高まりつつあった、よりよい社会に対する願望と期待がユートピ アへの憧憬につながったといえる。

In this paper, we examined similarities between Cheonghakdong and Kakurezato, which are different lands in mountains expressed in Korean and Japanese literatures, and then compared the consciousness for Utopia projected on it based on the social changes at that time. Cheonghakdong and Kakurezato are shown as an ideal paradise space drawn in the remote and secluded place in the mountains. These two paradises consist of small members and self-sufficient communities centered on agriculture, except for some parts of utopia of Japan. Those places deny a discrimination based on the hierarchy, eliminate tax deprivation and war suffering, and aim for joint labor and equitable distribution. This kind of paradise of natural state was intentionally recorded in the time of late Joseon and Edo. Although both periods had difference in the type of politics, such as Royal authority system and Shogunate system, they all gradually showed contradictions of a modern social system and a collapse of the self-sufficient economic order by the development of a commodity-based and monetary economy. In the course of these similar social changes, the desire and expectation for a better society that had grown in response to the complaints and frustrations of the people to a longing for paradise. The awakening of the modern consciousness toward a better life with equality, freedom, peace, and abundance, included in the paradise, definitely broadened the horizon of the history of each domestic literature and contributed to social development to a certain degree.

1. 머리말

2. 한국의 이상향 청학동

3. 일본의 이상향 가쿠레자토

4. 양 이상향에 나타난 낙원의식 비교

5. 맺음말
