최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

원폭(原爆)과 고통의 기억* — 재일시인의 시를 중심으로—

Memories of Atomic Bombs and Agony – Focusing on the Poems of Zainichi Poets –

  • 16

広島․長崎の原爆の記憶は戦後、日本のナショナル․アイデンティティを語る集合的記憶として機能した。そのなかで日本の原爆文学も誕生し、日本の原爆文学は広島や長崎の事件を描いた日本文学の特殊なジャンルと して扱われた。このような視座は原爆文学を広島․長崎に限られた体験を描いた狭い範囲の 当事者 文学として制約した。原爆の惨めさは大抵 日 本人 が経験したことと理解した。しかし、同じ在日朝鮮人被爆者は広 島․長崎の被爆者の一割に当たる。本稿では日本のナショナル․アイデンティティを排除してきた日本の構造、南と北の冷戦の問題および韓国の原爆文学の不在について考察した。また朝鮮人はなぜその日、被爆をしなければならなかったのかという根本の理由を追及する。日本人が描いた被爆体験記および文学作品より一部引いて、在日詩人の詩の作品より朝鮮人被 爆者の記憶を通し苦痛の本質に注目して論じた。韓国でも意図的に忘れられ排除されてきた人々への原爆文学を提起する とともにナショナル․アイデンティティの助長に利用されやすい歴史的事実としての原爆の性格についても指摘した。

The memory of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki functioned as collective memories which depict the national identity of Japan during the postwar era. The literature featuring the atomic bombs emerged during this period, which was treated as a unique genre of literature which describes the incidents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This perspective restricted the range of atomic‐bomb‐experiences to those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in the literature of “victims’ in a narrow sense. They assumed that it was “Japanese people” who suffered from the atomic bombs. It must be noted, however, that 10 percent of the victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was accounted for by Korean residents in Japan. In this article, we analyze the structure of Japan which has eliminated the national identity of the country, the issue of the cold war between the south and the north, and lack of the literature featuring atomic bombs in Korea. We also consider the fundamental reason for why those Korean residents in Japan became victims of the atomic bombs. Stepping back from notes and literary works written by Japanese people about their experiences of atomic bombs, we focus on the essence of agony experienced by the Korean residents in Japan through their memories depicted in the poems by the Zainichi poets who reside in Japan. We bring to the fore the literature of atomic bombs for those who suffered from atomic bombs, who have been intentionally buried in oblivion even in Korea, and also point out the nature of atomic bombs as a historical fact which tends to be exploited to provoke the national identity.

1. 들어가며

2. 자이니치의 고통의 기억-차별․배제․소외된 조선인

3. 일본인의 기억 속의 피폭조선인
