최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Sharī‘ah 해석의 현대이론

The contemporary theories of interpretation of Shari ah

  • 13

The contemporary theories of Shari ah is going beyond merely the explanation of the Shāfi‘ī, Ḥanbalī, Ḥanafī, Malikī, and Ja‘farī. However, an evident borderline still exists in schools of law; Sunni, Shī‘a and Ibāḍī. Moreover, some scholars still follow the four Sunni schools. This study aims to analyze the interpretation of shariah divided into Traditionalism, Modernism and Post Modernism with the need of emergence of new classification. This new classification for fiqh is more comprehensive system than previous one. Furthermore, this system includes all shariah scholars and researchers regardless of their backgrounds and geographical locations.

1. 서론

2. 새로운 분류의 필요성

3. 전통주의

4. 모더니즘

5. 포스트 모더니즘

6. 결론
