최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

제정러시아말기 카자흐지식인공동체의 대외 및 대내 변화요인과 변화과정

The Research on the Kazakh Intellectuals in the end of Russian Empire: Focused on External Influences and Social Changes

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The Kazakh Intellectuals in the late period of Russian Empire had been influenced by external Reform movements in Osman Empire and Tatar Turkic Intellectuals in the Russian Empire. Domestically Russian colonial policies on the Kazakh nomadic communities resulted social and economic structure of traditional Kazakh communities. With external influences and changes of domestic kazakh communities, Kazakh modern intellectuals had been established by various social-stratum and religion backgrounds of contemporary kazakh steppe. In the late of Russian empire various kazakh intellectuals integrated into the frame of Kazakh modern intellectuals, who took lead modernization of Kazakh society and active political participations.

I. 서론

II. 제정러시아말기 중앙아시아 역외 개혁운동

III. 근대 카자흐지식인 공동체의 형성과 변천

IV. 근대 카자흐엘리트그룹의 협력과 민족 엘리트의 태동

V. 결론
