최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

문신용 염료에 들어 있는 유해화학물질(페놀)의 인체 위해성 평가

Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Chemicals (Phenol) in Tattoo Inks

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2019.45.1.9
  • 269

Objectives: This study examined the safety of tattoo ink by analyzing the phenol contents in tattoo inks and its risk assessment of selected phenol. Methods: A sample of 30 tattoo inks was purchased, the phenol contents were analyzed, and a risk assessment on dermal exposure from tattooing was carried out. Hazard identification was collected from toxicity data on systemic effects caused by dermal exposure to phenol, and the most sensitive toxicity value was adopted. Exposure assessment (Exposure<sub>phenol</sub>) was calculated by applying phenol contents and standard exposure factors, while dose-response assessment was based on the collected toxicity data and skin absorption rate of phenol, assessment factors (AFs) for derived no-effect level (DNEL<sub>demal</sub>). In addition, the risk characterization was calculated by comparing the risk characterization ratio (RCR) with Exposure<sub>phenol</sub> and DNEL<sub>dermal</sub> Results: The phenol concentration in the 30 products was from 1.4 to 649.1 &#181;g/g. The toxicity value for systemic effects of phenol was adopted at 107 mg/kg. Exposure<sub>phenol</sub> in tattooing was from 0.000087 to 0.040442 mg/kg. DNEL<sub>dermal</sub> was calculated at 0.0072 mg/kg (=toxicity value 107 mg/kg ÷ AFs 650 × skin absorption rate 4.4%). Thirteen out of 30 products showed an RCR between 1.02 and 5.62. The RCR of all red inks was above 1. Conclusions: Phenol was detected in all of the 30 tattoo inks, and the RCR of 13 products above 1 indicates a high level of risk concern, making it necessary to prepare safety management standards for phenol in tattoo inks.

I. 서 론

II. 연구방법

III. 결 과

IV. 고 찰

V. 결 론
