최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

하마다니의 『마까마』 연구: 사즈으를 중심으로

  • 33

This article focuses on saj‘(rhymed prose) which appears in Maqāmāt, a literary work by al-Hamadhānī. Many scholars including Shawqī Ḍayf and Roger Allen highly value Maqāmāt, citing saj‘ as a major factor in evaluating this book. Maqāmāt was translated into English by W.J. Predergast. In the preface of the translated book, W.J. Predergast commented that al-Hamadhānī expanded the use of saj‘ by adopting it in dramatic discourses. As such, saj‘ is one of the key elements of Maqāmāt; yet, there have been relatively few independent studies on it. For this study, I examined how much saj‘ was used in each Maqāmāh. I measured how many times it appears in each Maqāmāh, then calculated the ratio of it. As a result, I found that saj‘ was used in all 51 Maqāmāt, while there weren’t even any poems in 7 Maqāmāt. In particular, there were as many as 13 Maqāmāt, in which saj‘ was used more than 30%. Saj‘ was used more frequently in Maqāmāt than in previous prose such as letters and speeches. It was most often used to describe objects, phenomena, and states of being, mostly to rhyme lines.

I. 서론

II. 사즈으

III. 마까마의 사즈으 특징

IV. 결론
