미국 남북전쟁 후의 남부 재건 계획은 크게 보면, 대통령 재건과 의회 재건이 있었다. 남북전쟁 중에 제안한 에이브러햄 링컨의 재건안과 전후 실시된 앤드루 존슨 대통령 재건정책은 거의 비슷했다. 당시 재건정책의 주요 과제로서는 남부주의 연방복귀에 의한 연방의 평화 회복, 피폐된 남부주의 경제적 복구 그리고 약 400만 명 정도의 해방노예의 지위와 권리에 관한 재조정 문제 등이었다. 두 대통령이나 공화당 급진파 의원들의 재건에 대한 생각은 정치적 타협의 일환이었고, 연방권한을 남부주에서 확대하기를 원치 아니했다. 링컨의 재건안은 존슨에게 이어졌고, 실질적으로는 존슨을 탄핵하려고 한 공화당 급진파들이 군정을 위시한 재건을 주도했다고 본다.
The Civil War and Reconstruction Era(1861-1877) in the United State History has been characterized as Lincoln Age and Tragic Era by most Historians. Reconstruction Policies in this Era can be classified into the two categories. first Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction. The former led by Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. The Latter Proceed under controlled by Congress with initiative. President Abraham Lincoln s 10% plan was made by conservative view of Reconstruction. His death succeeded by President Andrew Johnson. The Reconstruction issues were as follows: 1)Reconstruction of ex-rabel states to the Union, 2)Rehabilitation work on the conquered section in the war. 3)Definition of ex-slaves status an rights. In 1865 Reconstruction proceeded by President Johnson s 10% plan and it goes soft recover plan. It will be sure Congress Reconstruction were more harsh and favored to Black people. Republicans who led the congressional proceedings insisted on themselves limited the President powers and federal power and finally retreated from Reconstruction owing to their moderate and conservative trends toward constitutionalism in the Post Belum period, Last but not least, Congressional Interest s were most important factor to their Reconstruction decisions and policies. In conclusion, it is an obvious fact that Congress Reconstruction or President Reconstruction were same socio-economic and political purpose. It is most intimate fact that he or his society were same target: the Politician s aim to get their interests.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 에이브러햄 링컨 대통령의 재건안
Ⅲ. 앤드루 존슨 대통령의 재건정책
Ⅳ. 맺음말