최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아 표준어의 형성과 발전 과정에서 표준어의 주도적 주체와 표준어의 사회적 기반의 상관성 (II): 20세기 말 ― 21세기 초 사회정치적 영역의 차용어를 중심으로

Correlations Between the Social Base and Leading Personalities of Russian Literary Language (II): Focusing on Sociopolitical Loanwords of the Late-20th Century ― Early 21st Century

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2019.18.1
  • 40

This paper, which focuses on the mutual influences of the leading personalities and the social base of literary language in the process of borrowing a sociopolitical lexicon for the late-20th century ― early 21st century, is a subsequent research paper studying sociopolitical loanwords in the journalistic style of mid-19th century Russia. The key conclusions of this paper are as follows: ① the “среднелитературный тип речевой куль туры” is the social base of modern literary language, and most modern Russians refer to this. ② The leading personalities of literary language differ greatly by loanword type. ③ The influence of the leading personalities of literary language on the social base of literary language is insignificant. Previously, which social class and what kind of ideology-oriented people formed the social base of literary language, and which one of them leads the development of the literary language and presents the direction, were key issues in grasping the characteristics of Russian literary language. However, this has lost significance in modern literary language. Now, the focus of research should shift to what language the social base is oriented toward. At present, mass media language is located in the center of language life, covering the whole of the Russian language. It is enough that the formula “mass media language = Russian” is established. Therefore, the study of modern Russian literary language should start with mass media language. Now is the time to reflect on the typification or stylistic subdivision of mass media language.

I. 머리말

II. 화행문화와 현대러시아표준어의 사회적 기반

III. 20세기 말 ― 21세기 초 사회정치적 차용어

IV. 맺음말
