최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Стилистический анализ прозы С. Довлатова: на материлале произведния «Компромисс»

A Study on the Stylistic Device of S. Dovlatov’s Prose Compromise

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2019.18.241
  • 5

This paper tries to analyze language and writing style of S. Dovlatov’s works. His writing style is often compared with А. Pushkin or А. Chehov in laconism and compactness. We chose the prose Compromise, because it consisted of 12 episodes, in which there are various styles, for instance, such as journalism, colloquialism and slanguage, etc. His syntactical features are characterized by a plenty of short sentences and selected and implicated lexicon. It is worthy pay attention to syntactic degradation of Dovlatov’s texts, namely, various punctuation marks (like dash, three dots, question mark, etc.), which intensify semantic gradation and communication effects. The author uses real events, reinterprets them in his characteristic ironic manner. And most often the author’s irony is directed at the author-narrator himself. The absurdity and chaos of the world, disunity between people, mutual misunderstanding are reflected in Dovlatov’s prose. However, they do not cause either the author or the readers a sense of hopelessness ― perhaps because of the author’s position of “non-interference” and “non-judgment.” The author’s irony and common sense, with which he tries to overcome the randomness and absurdity of life. And it is to achieve this goal ― to overcome the absurdity and complexity of the world ― Dovlatov uses the simplicity and accuracy of the language of his works.


II. Особенности творческой манеры С. Довлатова

III. Аанализ художественнового текста С. Довлватова (на материале повести «Компромисс»)

