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KCI등재 학술저널

아서왕 문학 수용 연구

The Study on Translations of Arthurian Literature - Focus on Sir Thomas Malory s Le Morte Darthur -

  • 74

아서왕 문학이 한국에 최초로 소개된 1958년 이후 수많은 아서왕 관련 문학들이 번역 소개되었다. 그동안 아서왕 문학 작품의 내용적인 면에 대한 연구는 많았으나 아서왕 문학의 번역 출판물에 관한 연구는 전무하였다. 한국의 대다수의 독자들이 번역된 아서왕 문학을 접하고 있음에도 그에 대한 전반적인 검토가 없었기에 본고는 한국에서 출판된 아서왕 관련 문학 중에서 토마스 맬러리를 원서로 하고 있는 출판물을 검토하여 한국에서의 수용현황을 분석하였다. 전체 출판물 중 70퍼센트 이상이 아동을 대상으로 하고 있으며 대다수의 출판물이 아서왕 일대기를 다루고는 있으나 원작에 비해 간단히 다루고 있다. 주목할 만 한 점은 상당수의 출판물에서 원 저작자에 대한 표기를 통일하기 않은 점과 번역자에 대한 명확한 표기가 없다는 것이다. 또한, 원작에서 다루고 있지 않은 에피소드를 지속적으로 출판하고 있다는 점이다. 원저작자와 번역가에 대한 불명확한 표기와 원작에 없는 에피소드가 지속적으로 출판되는 점은 원작과 번역 출판물에 대한 공론화된 검토가 이뤄지지 않았기 때문이다. 아서왕 문학의 올바른 수용을 위해 출판물에 대한 적극적이고 지속적인 검토가 필요하다.

This study aims to examine the translations and adaptations of Arthurian literature in Korea. Since the first translation of Arthurian literature into Korean in 1958, many editions of translations adaptations have been published almost annually, and a variety of introductory articles have been published in many forms. But there has been no academic research for the current state of Arthurian literature in Korea. Besides, the change of the trend of the translations and adaptations during the past sixty years solicit a serious study also. This study attempts to analyze what parts of the traditions of Arthurian literature have been introduced. This study shows interesting characteristics of the publications of Arthurian literature in Korea, especially for Sir Thomas Malory. First of all, the study shows the majority of the translations cover the entire life of Arthur from the time Arthur became a king until his tragic death, modelling on a form of biography. The biography-type translations have been popular over the past 60 years and continue to be on the list of the bestselling books in major bookstores. Secondly, children s literature is important in the publications of Arthurian literature in Korea. For instance, children s literature forms 70 % while that for adults forms only 30%. And there is no remarkable difference in the length of publications between literature for children and adults. Thirdly, the survey of the translations reveals that three episodes are almost invariably translated while other episodes are included or omitted dependent on the decision of the translator. A close examination of the Korean translations reveals some mistakes have been repeatedly made from the first translation. The most distinctive feature is that many books which cite the original of the translations to be Malory s Morte Darthur contain the Celtic myth, Sir Gawain and the Old Hag or the Serpent, which is not present in Malory s work. Actually the Celtic myth is best known in the form of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight of the Gawain Poet or the Wife of Bath s Tale of Geoffrey Chaucer, but never in Malory. The second problem is intricately related with the first problem. That is, many translations do not cite the original author of the translations. Sometimes the original author s name is never mentioned. In other case, the citations are misleading. The error most frequently found is that Malory is credited incorrectly as the original author of a translation. The third problem is that there is only one edition which translates Malory s works in its entirely. It means that the whole picture of Arthurian literature is not introduced into Korea yet. The saving grace is that a variety of modern adaptations begin to be translated. It is hoped that new trend which widens the range of the hermeneutics of Arthurian literature will attract the interests of the emerging reading public in Korea and open a new vistas of Arthurian literature in Korea.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 본론

1. 현황조사와 수집, 데이터베이스 작성

2. 현황 분석

3. 에피소드 분석

4. 문제점 제기

Ⅲ. 맺음말
