The marketing strategy of the first coffeehouse in London(1652) is the good medicinal effect of coffee in the pamphlet. Pasqua Rosee who runs that coffeehouse, introduced this arabian drink to the Londoners as a superb antidote to consumption, dropsy, gout, scurvy etc. As a all-healing-berry, coffee is so warmly welcomed. It’s another outstanding merit is sobriety. This advantage ended the hangover, disturbance and violence caused by drinking. The first London coffeehouses, like Paris and Vienna, have experienced the coffee culture of Levantine region. European traders in that region employed the natives who know much of the local world. They are all skilled coffee Baristas, for that reason some of them cross into european cities and open coffeehouses. In the process of spreading coffee beverages, they also delivered levantine coffee culture to the customs : open and social space, unrestricted talk. In addition to levantine property, London one of the largest ports and markets in the world, has many distinctive conditions which give different functions to coffeehouses. Newspaper culture, contracts in business, products sales, stock trading, insurance business, academic discussions, postal services are fostered by Garraway’s Coffeehouse, Pasqua Rosee’s Coffeehouse, Grecian Coffeehouse, Jonathan Coffeehouse and the Turk’s Head Coffeehouse.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 약효가 뛰어난 음료, 커피
Ⅲ. 레반트 커피문화의 영향, 개방적 공간
Ⅳ. 다양하고 독특한 비즈니스 기능
Ⅴ. 결론