Shakespeare Lived at the age of “Renaissance” or “Rebirth”. At that time, with a view to performing plays, England established the first playhouse in 1576. The establisher of the playhouse was James Burbage who was a owner of Leister’s men, the place was the north of London near Hollywell, and the name of the playhouse was “the Theater”. Of course, the scales and system were crude and inefficient as the first playhouse. However, with the passing of time, the playhouse was developed. Also, the number of playhouses were increased, and the scales and equipment were formalized with the appearance of a remarkable dramatist, Shakespeare. In this article, with respect to the purpose, we will see the playhouses as basic sculptures. Thus, the organization and management of playhouses with main income and membership are viewed in chapter 1. In chapter 2, on the basis of the value as basic sculptures of the stages in playhouses, we will crucially consider the birth of play groups and the playhouse of Shakespeare. And we will conclude this article with the developing atmosphere in the management of playhouses in chapter 3. Consequently, the development of playhouses has the same pace with the appearance of a great dramatist. In fact, Shakespeare wrote many various manuscripts in order to meet the performing conditions. Thus, we can consider the stages of playhouses as basic sculptures with the development of the equipment within stages.