최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아 자본주의의 형성 : 구교파 공동체

The Formation of Russian Capitalism : Vyg s Community

  • 8

This thesis was handled the combined factors that caused the economic uprising of the Old Believers during and after the reign of Tsar Alexis. The Old Believers refusal to Nikonian s reform led them to establish their own community in the Valley of the Vyg River. People from different economic backgrounds like the nobility, the merchants, and the peasants joined forces and fought back and were willing to die for their faith. When caught, they committed mass suicide rather than submit to the new foreign secular form of religion imposed upon them. The Old Believers struggle to survive at the early stage of development of the Vyg community. So the most pressing problem for the leaders of Vyg was to provide adequate supplies of food for their growing membership. They have faced extreme hunger because of the harsh environment that they lived in especially during the winter season. The Old Believers struggle was not only from religious, political, and social persecution, but also surviving hardship due to the poor soil for farming crops in the Vyg community area as well as their lack of other economic resources to fully sustain their families. Also The Vyg community maintained a number of workshops which met the domestic demend for a variety of goods. This was most important reason that they was to try to drive commercial behaviors, especially to get the grain. For the members of Vyg community was most important guide their spiritual leader s interpretation of commercial begaviors. Andrei Denisov was spiritual leader who made more rational such commercial behaviors. So merchants in the Vyg community believed it and freely commerced with outside world where they once broke off all relations. The economic activities of Vyg community represented features of transition from medieval feudalism to capitalism in Russia.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 븨그 공동체의 사회 경제적 환경과 상교역 활동

Ⅲ. 안드레이 데니소프의 경제윤리관

Ⅳ. 맺음말
