The Hungarian Socialist Regime liquidated the Hungarian Fascists neglecting the proper judical procedures. Hungarian fascists committed so called ‘white terror’ against the communists after World War I. With the end of the Second World War, the Hungarian Socialist Regime started to liquidate the ex-fascists and their collaborators. This historical liquidation was committed very abnormally and brutally by the Hungarian People s Court. The Hungarian People s Court was established in 1945 and functioned until 1950’s without any legal ground. After W.W.II, many of the fascist leaders were captured and tried for war crimes. In the first months of postwar adjudication, no fewer than 6,200 Hungarian fascists were indicted for murder. Some fascist officials, including Szalasi himself, were executed. Consequently, the liquidation of Hungarian fascists was committed mercilessly and illegally by Hungarian communists.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 전사(前史): 공산당의 적색테러, 극우파의 백색테러
Ⅲ. 파시즘의 전개와 양상
Ⅳ. 파시스트와 독일인에 대한 청산
Ⅴ. 결론