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KCI등재 학술저널

영국의 외교정책과 글로벌전략의 형성, 1900-1904

British foreign policy and the formation of global strategy, 1900-1904

  • 98

The history of international relations in the early years in 20th century has been the subject of considerable scrutiny on account of the importance of the question of the origins of the Great War. Controversies about the causes regarding the outbreat of the war have generated tremendous historical production. In order to propose a meaningful analysis of a period which is described as “diplomatic revolution” by international historians, it seems essential to be fully aware of both past and current historiographical debates about the history of british foreign policy before and after the Russo-Japanese war In this article, I will involve studying particularly the period around the Russo-Japanese War, rather than as part of some prelude to the First World War, as well as taking into account the history of British foreign policy, and which has stressed how central imperial issues were in the formulation of British foreign policy, right until 1904. It will involve an analysis of the context of international relations and the British diplomatic code at the begining of the twentieth century; and the examination of the main orientations of Edwardian foreign policy between 1902 and 1904; and finally, will look in some depth at the situation from the Anglo-Japanese Alliance to the Entente Codiale.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 20세기 초 국제관계와 영국의 외교정책

Ⅲ. 고립외교의 청산과 글로벌 전략의 연계 : 영일동맹과 영불협상

Ⅳ. 맺음말
